Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Let's Pretend We're Homeless

For many years, even when they were really small, our kids have loved to pretend they're homeless. It always involves being in the backyard and pretending to scavenge around for food and then making a 'home' somewhere while wearing odd items of clothes they found in the dress-up box. For some reason, this is a LOT of fun, according to Sophie and Henry.

Now that they have two new playmates from Ethiopia in the backyard, I was curious whether they would find this activity any fun. My thought was that this might be a little too close to a recent reality for them. Well, whether it resembles a former life or not, I am happy to report that they are just as fascinated with making a home out of old towels and sticks in the back corner of our yard as my other kids are. I guess kids are really the same, no matter where they come from.

And, I am thankful all four of them enjoy it as much as they do since it seems to wear them out and releases a lot of energy, one of my biggest goals right now : )


Becky said...

Sounds vaguely familiar to some of the weird games we used to play in your back yard when we were kids! I still remember that bridge you had... I think we had a troll under it and everything! Remember when your dad taped us running around your old backyard with our new dog and then would play it for us backwards, so it looked like we were running backwards around in circles? LOL! Oh the memories!

Karen said...

How wonderful! Sounds like lots of fun and glad they can share in this together. Kids are so creative and imaginative - it's great to see your 4 older ones playing and imagining together! Blessings

DaisyJ said...

That sounds fun. Our girls have loved to play olden time orphans. After the movie Annie, I played this as a kid and naively suggested it to them several years ago. We have now come to our scenes and discouraged them from this game. Now that they have siblings and cousins who have been orphans it is really not funny. However, homeless may become a better option as they oddly miss the game very much. Thanks for the idea. Glad the kids are getting along fairly well.

Adopting1Soon said...

"A tired kid is a happy kid".... right???? *big smile*

Time to buy them some marathon shoes!!!!

Ame said...

sounds like play therapy ...

amazing how kids have their own language when we let them

Ethiopia97 said...

We adopted from Soddo 7 years ago but did not travel to Soddo. Now we are adopting again from Addis. We would like to travel to Soddo to see where our first child was born. We leave next week! We have some questions about the travel to Soddo and Soddo itself we were hoping you could answer. Our phone number is 770-592-4590 and e-mail is
Thanks for any information you can help with.